Monday, September 8, 2008

shameless plug

OK, I have a confession to make. I have been watching America's Got Talent. I don't usually go in for this sort of thing, daughter's boyfriend's siblings are performing on this show and are doing quite well. The Wright Kids is a bluegrass band from Virginia. I ordered their latest CD and it is fantastic, really. They sing traditional bluegrass tunes and they play the instruments as well. Mason is the fiddle player in the band, but he is not on the show since he is in college, so he is unavailable. Their audition was never shown, so the first time I saw them on the show they were performing Daydream Believer in the Top 40, hoping to make it through to the Top 20. They made it, although I must say I would like to see them perform bluegrass because their harmonies are awesome.

Anyway, click on this link to see the performance. They are cute as hell.

1 comment:

Diva's Thoughts said...

OMG!! How cute! They are adorable.