Paper Moon Diner is not to be missed. Located on 29th Street in Baltimore, the Paper Moon Diner is open 24 hours a day. It's a popular spot to go late at night, which is the only time I have been there. I can't really imagine being there during the day. Anyway, don't worry about missing it as you drive by. If you have been drinking and you drive past without noticing it, that is a big clue that you have had way too much to drink. Pull over and call a cab. You will be greeted by mannequins in the shrubbery and maybe a bathroom fixture or two.
Inside the decor is more of the same. There are doll heads wathcing you eat from the ceiling, and other toys and brightly colored, seen better days, items. Your menu will be in a story book. Your waiter or waitress will not be your waiter or waitress. Everyone working there serves everyone eating there and it looks like they just wear whatever they want to work.
The food, oh yeah, the food, they do serve food here. And it's good. I ordered scrambled eggs, bacon, has browns and toast. I ordered tea and was pleasntly surpirsed that they offer a variety of teas. The waitstaff seems very casual about what they are doing but actually is very knowledgeable and helpful. NJG ordered something other than breakfast, it may have been something in a tortilla, not sure, but he liked it.
Great place, I love their website, too!
i was a bel-loc diner guy back in the day. nice post!
Loved the surly waitress at the Bel-Loc the one time I went there after a concert at the Recher. She was so awful it was funny.
that is part of the alure, i suppose....
Sounds like an interesting place to dine.
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