Thursday, September 11, 2008

Black Box

I just learned about the black box and added it to my blog. I have tried it a few, OK several times, and so far it has been a blast to read the interesting blogs I would have never otherwise found. You just click on decide and make your selections and are led to a mystery blog that answered the same as you. Cool. Cool.

Please let me know if you found me this way. I am interested to learn how well this really works and what kind of people would answer the same way I do.

You must all be very disturbed.


aims said...

Came through the box...what an interesting journey it is!

Let us know about your weekend in the big apple....

Kahless said...

Came your way through the black box!!!

Hope you had a fab time in the Big Apple.

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

Hi! I 'found you' via the black box!

AndyYes, I am twisted...

Jen - Queen of Poo said...

I found you this way, and I'll take that as a compliment. ;-)

Coloradolady said...

Came through the box. Interesting indeed.

Sarah*G* said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I so love NY and am trying to convince husband that I should have a research trip! He is not yet convinced!

auntiegwen said...

via the black box

only been to New York once but loved it !!!

Unknown said...

didn't actually come through the black box but back tracked from your visit to my page.
Since it led you to my page, I thought might as well shout out and say hi to a similarly disturbed compatriot! so "Hi" :)